Wednesday 27 May 2009

Selena Gomez Can't Sing

Disney's latest manufactured princess has a malfunction!

Acting? Check! Squeaky clean image? Check! Singing? Uh...

Selena Gomez is not as talented as her best friends Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato when it comes to the singing front. Her latest joke of a single with Forever The Sickest Kids will probably be her biggest regret this year because it sounds absolutely abysmal.

This is one Disney pop princess who won't embrace the 'pop' and for our own health, we hope she doesn't - I don't think I could listen to her attempt singing again!

Selena Gomez feat. FTSK - Woah Oh AKA me torturing my neighbour's cat

The making of the single... probably a dark day for FTSK

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