Saturday 31 May 2008

Niley was REAL?


Although everyone's always speculated that Nick Jonas, 15, and Miley Cyrus, also 15, were more than just friends on the Hannah Montana concert tour; it is something neither have them have seriously talked about and have mainly denied it.

Fans have kept speculating and the media has kept pestering them all to no avail. Yet, sometimes, if you look hard enough, you can find the truth.

Pictures that were taken on June 21st 2007, outside Regis & Kelly might reveal the truth. Look at the background on Miley's blackberry. Is that Niley proof or not?


Take a closer look...

Whose that brunette and who is that curly headed cutie with her?

Personally, I think 'GOTCHA NOW, YA LOUSY BEATNIKS!' Muahahahaha.

This is just proof that everything always eventually comes out. I really want Ryan Seacreast to grill them about these pictures!

PS. These pictures aren't photoshopped. They're fresh from a Miley fansite.

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