Thursday 17 April 2008

Miley Knows The Price Of Fame Can Make You Poor

Miley Cyrus? Price of fame? POOR?!

Miley Cyrus... poor?

No way.

The girl is rolling in money.

She's not poor.

Well, she's not poor materialistically. Unfortunately for her, her sentimental values have plummetted to the ground.

Every teenage girl in America knows what prom is. Every teenage girl in America most likely wants to go to prom and remember it as a happy night. That's what those American teen movies have led me to believe anyway... and seeing as everything on TV is real, I believe this!

According to Daily Dish, 15 year old Miley won't be attending her own prom. She says, "I am shooting my movie during prom days, so I won't be there."

Then Miley proceeded to tell a big fat lie: "I would be like the single loner at the back of the prom. That's the worst! I am not going to do that."

When I read that, I spat my coke all over my keyboard. Silly Miley. You're stinking rich, thousands upon thousands of fans butchered each other just to get their hands on your concert tickets and YOU think you'll be a loner at prom?

I always find it funny when famous and insanely popular stars try to connect with their fans by admitting they're 'loners' or whatever. Nice try, Miley - it's the thought that counts, right? If you want to see a real loner at prom; come down to my school and look me up!

Nonetheless, I know Miley would have loved to go to her own prom but this just goes to show - stars make sacrifices to keep doing the things they love. Except their sacrifices are a little more glamorous then the average persons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lmao i love how you deliver celeb news. :]